About LandPaths
LandPaths is an environmental education and conservation leader with the mission to foster a love of the land in Sonoma County. We believe everyone should have access to the awe and inspiration of nature.
Annually, we engage thousands of participants like you in joyful, caring, and transformative relationship with the land. We do this mainly through creative outings led in both English and Spanish, environmental education, nature camps, and people-powered land stewardship of local open spaces.
Land Acknowledgement
Our community gardens, office, and preserves throughout Sonoma County are located on the ancestral homelands of the Pomo, Coast Miwok, Kashia Band of Pomo Indians, Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians, and the Wappo people, past, present, and future. We recognize them as the first people and the first stewards of this land.


Community Care
Growing Community with Nature
Wildfires, flooding, and other challenges have dramatically increased globally and locally because of human-caused climate change. Reciprocal and joyful relationships between people and the land is a solution to climate disruption. From volunteer land stewardship days to community gatherings in local open spaces, you’ll find a range of creative, impactful opportunities to participate with LandPaths and make a difference.

Featured Outings
Get Ready for Spring Hike at Lafferty Ranch
Day: Saturday, March 15
Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm
Place: Lafferty Ranch, Petaluma
Join LandPathss volunteer docents Indigo Bannister and Hugh Stevenson for an early Spring hike on the City of Petaluma’s Lafferty Ranch property near the summit of Sonoma Mountain. Walk along the Rodgers Creek Fault across open grasslands, past the long abandoned ranch site, and through oak and bay woodlands along the upper reaches of Adobe Creek. We’ll stop along the way to enjoy stunning views of the Bay Area. The hike is roughly 3 miles long and includes 500′ feet of elevation gain. There are a few short, moderately steep sections, but most of the hike is fairly gradual.
SIGN UPHeart Walk in Bohemia Ecological Preserve
Join volunteer docents, Francisca and Lexi, for a Heart Walk at the beautiful Bohemia Ecological Preserve on Sunday, March 16th – a unique gathering that weaves together meditation, community connection, and the healing presence of nature.
SIGN UPIntroduction to Fly Fishing at Rancho Mark West
- Day: Thursday, March 20
- Time: 10am – 2pm
- Place: Rancho Mark West, Santa Rosa
Patch Burn at the Grove of Old Trees
- Day: Saturday, April 5
- Time: 8:30am – 4pm
- Place: Grove of Old Trees, Occidental
It’s wildfire fuels reduction time on the preserve! Now that we’ve pulled tons of French Broom and lopped Douglas Firs, it’s time to minimize the woody debris while it’s okay to do burn piles. The more people we have, the more we can do! Come join us and help us return good fire to the land!
Stories + News
Stories of Impact

Reflections from Jim & Betty Doerksen, Land Partners at Rancho Mark West
February 14, 2025
Tags: Doerksen, Fire Recovery, Glass Fire, Land Partner, rancho mark west
Jim and Betty Doerksen purchased Rancho Mark West in 1967. The Doerksens have worked tirelessly, planting upwards of “one million trees,” according to Jim. They also started […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Carol Carr, Wildlife Corridor Project
February 10, 2025
Tags: growing community with nature, stewardship, Volunteer, volunteer spotlight, wildlife cameras
After the Glass fire in 2020, Carol Carr was looking for ways to make a difference in her community by helping out with fire recovery efforts. Her […]

Introducing Stand for the Land!
February 6, 2025
Tags: branching out conservation for everyone, new audiences, stand for the land
On a Wednesday afternoon in January, a group of teens and adults from Santa Rosa headed to the Grove of Old Trees for an afternoon of respite and connection. After chatting and […]
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