Senior Bilingual Garden Specialist
Jonathan Bravo
Jonathan Bravo joined LandPaths in 2010. As Senior Bilingual Garden Specialist he coordinates programs, family garden allotments, and volunteers at Bayer Farm in Roseland and Jeff Bodwin Community Garden at Andy’s Unity Park in southwest Santa Rosa. Jonathan is the inspiring first point of contact for neighbors, harvesters, Free Lunch volunteers, students, and educators at our community gardens.
Born in Progreso de O. Hidalgo, Mexico, Jonathan received a Mathematics from the Escuela Normal Valle del Mezquital.
In 2002, Jonathan moved to Sonoma County. Since then, he’s done everything from teaching to construction to cleaning theaters. He has worked as a math tutor and taught Spanish language GED courses at Santa Rosa Junior College.
Jonathan finds much solace in his faith, and has served as a counselor for the Spanish speaking community through The Salvation Army. He believes in work, responsibility and dedication. His work at LandPaths allows him to share his love of the land, clear food, and a legacy of caring for life.
He lives with his wife Angeles. Their three daughters have all grown and graduated. An avid chess player, Jonathan is also passionate about his coffee-making ritual, and says he’s “very selfish since he only plays the guitar for himself.”