Our relationship with nature is fundamental to our future.

What We Do

LandPaths is an environmental education and conservation leader with the mission is to foster a love of the land in Sonoma County. We believe everyone should have access to the awe and inspiration of nature.

Annually, we engage thousands of participants like you in joyful, caring, and transformative relationship with the land. We do this mainly through creative outings led in both English and Spanish, environmental education, nature camps, and people-powered land stewardship of local open spaces.

With a commitment to equity in the outdoors and building reciprocal relationships, LandPaths’ programs are offered free or sliding scale, or with robust scholarships, led by diverse participants.

Three Core Initiatives

  • Rooting Youth in Nature: We reduce the barriers and expand opportunities to get outside so that youth can experience wonder, joy, awe, belonging, and a sense of stewardship in nature.
  • Branching Out Conservation for Everyone: With a dedication to equity and inclusion, we reduce the barriers to increase access for people historically excluded from positive connection with nature and the outdoors.
  • Growing Community With Nature: Facing the challenges like catastrophic fire and drought dramatically increased by climate change, LandPaths more than ever believes in  forging care and connection between people and the land. From stewardship days for all ages to conservation workforce training, we address community care with curiosity, determination, and creativity.

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Stories + News

Stories from the Field

Reflections from Jim & Betty Doerksen, Land Partners at Rancho Mark West

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Jim and Betty Doerksen purchased Rancho Mark West in 1967. The Doerksens have worked tirelessly, planting upwards of “one million trees,” according to Jim. They also started […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Carol Carr, Wildlife Corridor Project

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After the Glass fire in 2020, Carol Carr was looking for ways to make a difference in her community by helping out with fire recovery efforts. Her […]

A group of teens and adults stand in front of a beautiful stand of redwood trees.

Introducing Stand for the Land!

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On a Wednesday afternoon in January, a group of teens and adults from Santa Rosa headed to the Grove of Old Trees for an afternoon of respite and connection. After chatting and […]

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