An Update on LandPaths Preserves and Partner Properties
Category: Andy's Unity Park Community Garden, Bayer Farm, Blog, Fitch Mountain, Fitch Mountain, Grove of Old Trees, Healdsburg Ridge Open Space Preserve, Healdsburg Ridge Open Space Preserve, LandPaths Preserves, Ocean Song, Partner Properties, Rancho Mark West, Riddell Preserve
By LandPaths Staff
June 3, 2020
LandPaths exists – if for nothing else – then to harness community power to protect healthy land on which to experience and be inspired by nature, where all people are invited to participate in the land’s stewardship
Due to the pandemic, a closure order was put into effect for all Park Lands in Sonoma County. Though these restrictions have been loosened and many places have reopened, all of our preserves and properties remained closed until further notice for the safety of our staff, participants, and volunteers.
Until further notice, LandPaths preserves, aside from Grove of Old Trees, are closed to the general public. We truly regret the closing of access to our preserves, as well as access to collective open spaces and parkland in Sonoma County. These are places where we go to mentally recharge, gain perspective, and grow community with nature.
As such, the only access that is taking place on LandPaths properties is centered on the high priority issues of food security, fire fuel reduction and preserve monitoring. Please read the FAQ sheet for information to each of our preserves and partner properties.
We request that the public support this policy. Please know that the very moment we can offer outings and other opportunities to get outdoors, we will. We remain dedicated to connecting you with nature, and see our preserves as vital community resources for our mental and physical well-being. They are also places to build community around the commonly held value of stewarding our local wild places, so that all of nature—including humans and the other richly diverse species that call Sonoma County home—can flourish.
LandPaths’ Preserves and Partner Properties FAQ
Grove of Old Trees: The Grove of Old Trees is open. Please note that visitors must comply with Covid-19 Safety Protocols, including the wearing of masks and social distancing with anyone not within your household; further, the Grove is not open to commercial purposes (for example, professional dog-walking and photo shoots must receive written approval from LandPaths before using the Grove).
The Grove has experienced a surge of visitors during Covid 19 due to an increased desire to be outdoors for mental and physical health. LandPaths urges you, on your visit, to be a kind neighbor to this community that celebrates sharing this remarkable place with you.
Thank you for doing all you can to help take care of the Grove!
- Drive safely: Driving slowly and following the speed limit along Fitzpatrick Lane, the road that leads to the Grove, is essential for everyone’s safety.
- Park only in the designated parking area: If the Grove parking lot is full, please return at another time.
- Pull over to allow other cars to pass: Fitzpatrick Lane is largely a single-lane road. When you visit the Grove, please pull over when necessary to allow other cars to pass.
- Leave no trace: Please pack out anything that you bring into the Grove, respect any wildlife that you encounter, and leave behind things of nature that you find. We are all stewards of the Grove.
Bayer Farm, Andy’s Unity Park, and Rancho Mark West Community Gardens: Closed to the public. Because the gardens must be maintained and because they provide food security to those with garden plots, access is extremely limited.We are in close communication with the City of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County Regional Parks. LandPaths staff are monitoring the site. Any visitation beyond the permitted numbers threatens access to the gardeners, who depend on the farm for fresh food.
LandPaths’ Ocean Song, Bohemia and Riddell Preserves: Closed to the public. Our staff continues to do vital work on these sites, such as maintenance and fire fuel reduction.
City of Healdsburg’s Healdsburg Ridge and Fitch Mountain: Open to the public. Please note: Any and all inquiries about access and park hours should be directed to the City of Healdsburg. LandPaths’ volunteer stewardship opportunities on Healdsburg Ridge and Fitch Mountain are currently on hold.