Experience Nature, Get Outside


Nature has immense benefits for your physical and mental well-being. We believe that all people should have access to the awe inspired by nature.  And the inspiration to heal the land that comes from time well-spent on the land. We make it easy for you to experience Sonoma County’s open spaces, farms, and urban gardens.

A sunset hike on an accessible trail through a beautiful preserve. A Spanish language kayak paddle down the river. A weekend hiking trek to the sea. A birding outing on mild terrain. A friendly potluck under the Redwoods. It’s all there waiting for you.

Step outside and experience the beauty of this place we call home.

Get Outside

Get Outside with LandPaths

Browse our upcoming volunteer stewardship workdays and


Our multi-day walking and paddling treks across Sonoma County landscapes let you sink into a slower rhythm with the land and your community.

Stories + News

Stories from the Field

Nature is So Cool! An interview with Youth Field Specialist Mich Swannucci

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Mich Swannucci has been a Youth Field Specialist at LandPaths for a little under one year and we already can’t imagine our Rooting Youth in Nature initiative […]

Reflections on the Queer Forestry and Fire Program

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The closest sound to me is my handsaw cutting through the wood of a small Douglas fir tree, the next sound the wind bustling in the canopy overhead and through the tall dried grasses surrounding me, more distant the sounds of laughter and conversation from those working around me, beyond that the consistent call of the foghorn from the bay. These sounds surround me as I work in the Ocean Song grassland, homeland of the southern Pomo, alongside the twenty-five other individuals who participated in the Queer Forestry and Fire Program. These are the sounds of community, connection, and care for the land and each other that we created in this program. 

What Happens Now? A Letter from Executive Director Craig Anderson to Friends of LandPaths

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The results of the U.S. presidential election, one week ago, sent shockwaves through our community, neighborhoods, and families. It makes a person pause, and it certainly should. At a time when it seemed there was momentum to move ahead, for many people what seems a U-turn has emerged, surrounding us. Click one of the tags above to read the entire post.

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