Thank you to everyone that joined us for the 14th annual free and family friendly Harvest Festival at Bayer Farm on Saturday, September 28!
Festival activities included local bands, a tortilla making workshop, grape stomp for the kids, beautiful produce displays by the Bayer Farm harvesters and gardenders, a community engagement fair with partner organizations, dance performances, garden tours and workshops, art and storytelling for the kids, and the famous salsa competition (the kind you eat!)
Featured Performers & Agenda for Day
- 11am – Danza Xantotl
- 11:45am – Sonoma County Pomo Dancers
- 12:30pm – Rasquaches
- In between live DJ
In the Garden
- Tortilla-making workshop with Frida
- Beautiful displays of vegetables, fruit, herbs, and flowers created by Bayer Farm Harvesters and Gardeners
- Grape stomp for kids with grapes grown at Jeff’s Garden
- Let’s Read Outside – storytelling and nature activities for kids
- Farming for Health medicinal herb display and information
- Salsa Competition at 11:30am – Winners announced at 1pm from the stage
- Garden Tours with Nancy
In the Park
- Danza Xantotl, Sonoma County Pomo Dancers, Rasquaches
- Community Partner Info
- Facepainting & Bubbles
- Lei-Making Booth for families with fresh flowers
- LandPaths’ Youth Team with fun kid’s activities
- Santa Rosa Water Hydration Station (bring your refillable waterbottles for endless cold delicious water refills!)
- Tacos de San Juan taco truck will be there from 10am – 2pm!
- Free ice cream from Straus Family Creamery (while supplies last!)

We are aiming for a very low waste festival this year, so please bring your own refillable water bottles to use at the hydration station and your own reusable utensils, napkins, and plates if you are planning to eat!
And if you can, consider walking or riding your bike! We’re working on setting up a bicycle parking are that will be staffed by volunteers throughout the festival.
Want to volunteer at the Harvest Festival? Click here to fill out a volunteer interest form to get started! For questions about volunteering, please contact Laura Revilla at [email protected] or (707) 544-7284.
Thank You for Making the Harvest Festival Possible
Flor de Calabasa
Thank you to the City of Santa Rosa for supporting the Harvest Festival through their 2024 DEIB Spaces Mini-Grant Program.
Thank you to our 2024 Community Partners

In-Kind Donations