Curiosity. Belonging. Nature

Nature Camps and Teen River Treks

Give your child the gift of a lifetime by rooting them in nature at a LandPaths’ camp!

Our magical, old-fashioned nature camps get kids outside to connect with nature and community and build skills, confidence, and a sense of stewardship.


Registration and scholarship applications will launch Friday January 31, 2025 at 5pm.   

Dates: March 17 – 21, 2025   

Days:  Monday – Friday 

Time: 9 am – 3 pm    

Ages: 6 – 13 (youth will be placed in camp groups based on age)  

Cost: $450 with partial and full scholarships available    

Location: Preston Farm and Winery – 9282 W Dry Creek Rd, Healdsburg, CA 95448-9134   


Registration and scholarship applications will launch Wednesday February 19, 2025 at 5pm. 

Dates: week long sessions from 6/16/2025 – 8/1/2025 

Days:  Monday – Friday 

Time: 9 am – 3 pm    

Ages: 6 – 13 (youth will be placed in camp groups based on age)  

Cost: $450 with partial and full scholarships available 

Locations: will be announced soon! 

Check our website for updated information on Owl Camp week dates, themes and new registration process. [link here] 


Registration and the scholarship application will launch Wednesday February 19, 2025 at 5pm. 

Date: June 30, 2025 – July 4, 2025 

Cost: $450 with partial and full scholarships available 

Ages: 11 – 14 


We are in the planning stages for Teen River Trek and Paddle with Pride. We’re excited to share program and registration launch dates soon. Check the website for updates. [link here] 

We look forward to seeing your families at camp this year! 

In community, 

Lesly and the LandPaths Youth Team 

[email protected] 

707 – 544 – 7284 ext 109 

Hola comunidad de campamentos, 

¡Estamos muy emocionades de compartir información actualizada sobre los campamentos de 2025! Nos complace anunciar que este año utilizaremos un nuevo software de inscripción para los campamentos. Esperamos que el proceso de inscripción sea más sencillo y que la experiencia de usuario sea mejor para todes. Compartiremos más detalles por correo electrónico antes del lanzamiento de la inscripción para el campamento de primavera el 31 de enero de 2025. 


Las inscripciones y solicitudes de beca comenzarán el viernes 31 de enero del 2025 a las 5pm. 

Fechas: 17 – 21 de marzo 2025 

Días: lunes – viernes 

Hora: 9 am – 3 pm 

Edades: 6 – 13 (los grupos serán formados basado en edades) 

Precio: $450 con becas disponibles 

Ubicación:  Preston Farm and Winery – 9282 W Dry Creek Rd, Healdsburg, CA 


Las inscripciones y solicitudes de beca comenzarán el miércoles 19 de febrero del 2025 a las 5pm. 

Fechas: sesiones de una semana durante 6/16/2025 – 8/1/2025 

Días: lunes – viernes  

Hora: 9 am – 3 pm  

Edades: 6 – 13 (los grupos serán formados basado en edades)  

Precio: $450 con becas disponibles 

Ubicaciones: ¡Se anunciarán pronto! 

Revise nuestro sitio web para obtener información actualizada sobre las fechas y detalles de las semanas del campamento y el nuevo proceso de inscripción. [enlace aquí] 


Las inscripciones y solicitudes de beca comenzarán el miércoles 19 de febrero del 2025 a las 5pm. 

Fechas: 30 de junio – 4 de julio del 2025 

Precio: $450 con becas disponibles 

Edades: 11 – 14 


Estamos en la etapa de planificación de los programas de Travesía de Kayak en el Río y Remando con Orgullo. Nos complace compartir pronto las fechas de los programas y de lanzamiento de la inscripción y solicitud de becas.   Visite el sitio web para obtener actualizaciones. [enlace aquí] 

¡Esperamos ver a sus familias en nuestros campamentos este año! 

En Communidad, 

Lesly y el equipo  de LandPaths 

[email protected] 

707 – 544 – 7284 ext 109 

Thank you for helping to fund our 2024 camps scholarships!

Guayaki Organic Brand Yerba Mate label
Exchange Bank
Summit State Bank

Bob, Grandfather of Owl Campers

" The work you do with the children there, at that barn, garden, creek, pond, with skilled and highly motivated staff….it’s how children used to grow up. The essence of the healthiest week a child could have. "


Owl Camp - Ages 6-13

Spring, Summer, and Winter sessions at LandPaths’ preserves and partner properties in Sonoma County

Our magical, old-fashioned nature camps get kids outside to connect with nature and community and build skills, confidence, and a sense of stewardship

Camp Trillium - Ages 11-14

July 1-5, 2024; Day Camp – 9am – 3pm; At a LandPaths’ preserve in West Sonoma County


At the heart of all LandPaths’ Camps are joyful experiences in nature! This week we will be enjoying all the things that make LandPaths’ camps unique, hiking through fields and forests, canoeing on the pond, bonding as a group while playing nature themed games and learning all about the plants and animals that call this nature preserve in west Sonoma County home. In addition to all the wonderful time spent in nature, this week will center LGBTQIA+ youth in recognition that through meaningful relationships with one another and the outdoors, we can build community and experience brave spaces and joy together!

Teen River Trek

June 11 – 14, 2024 

open to youth ages 13 – 17 

$625 with scholarships available 

Spend four days on the Russian River learning how to paddle a kayak, observing the natural riparian ecosystems, and so much more! This Teen River Trek offers a special opportunity for youth ages 13 – 17 to explore the natural world from the unique perspective of paddling down the Russian River. Our experienced educators will guide youth in learning new skills centered on safely paddling themselves down the river and studying the rich flora and fauna of our watershed, all the while building a team experience through shared challenges and explorations on the water.

Paddle with Pride: LGBTQIA+ Youth and Allies River Trek

June 24 27, 2024

open to youth ages 13 – 17 

$625 with scholarships available 

Spend four days on the Russian River learning how to paddle a kayak, observing the natural riparian ecosystems, and so much more! This trek offers a special opportunity for youth ages 13 – 17 to explore the natural world from the unique perspective of paddling down the Russian River. Paddle with Pride will center LGBTQIA+ youth in recognition that through meaningful relationships with one another and the outdoors, we can build community, experience brave spaces and joy!

Stories + News

Stories from the Field

Reflections from Jim & Betty Doerksen, Land Partners at Rancho Mark West

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Jim and Betty Doerksen purchased Rancho Mark West in 1967. The Doerksens have worked tirelessly, planting upwards of “one million trees,” according to Jim. They also started […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Carol Carr, Wildlife Corridor Project

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After the Glass fire in 2020, Carol Carr was looking for ways to make a difference in her community by helping out with fire recovery efforts. Her […]

A group of teens and adults stand in front of a beautiful stand of redwood trees.

Introducing Stand for the Land!

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On a Wednesday afternoon in January, a group of teens and adults from Santa Rosa headed to the Grove of Old Trees for an afternoon of respite and connection. After chatting and […]

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