Covid Policies at LandPaths
Category: Blog, Community Resilience, Covid-19
By LandPaths Staff
October 21, 2022
For 25 years LandPaths has actively worked for land and community in Sonoma County. Our commitment is further strengthened during the immense mental, physical, and financial challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since March of 2020, when shelter-in-place first began locally, we’ve updated our Covid safety protocols and policies according to the most recent information from local and state health officials.
Below includes the updated changes to our policy. If there is no update, the previously stated policy is still in effect. Changes are coming often, with more and more restrictions lifted. LandPaths will continue to follow CDC guidelines at a minimum, including the CDC Community Level color system. The COVID-19 Community Level is determined by new hospital admissions and inpatient beds metrics, and cases per 100,000 population in the past 7 days. LandPaths also considers participant and staff safety and comfort in determining additional safety measures.
Updated October 21, 2022
Sonoma County has moved to Green (low CDC Community Level)
- All activities may be conducted outside with no participant limit.
- Masks are optional for youth and adults for all outdoor activities.
- Masks are required if youth or adults have ANY cold or flu symptoms (I.e., congestion, cough, sore throat).
- To help keep everyone healthy, staff are requested to stay home if you exhibit any cold or flu symptoms (i.e. congestion, sore throat, cough, headache, fever.)
- Masks optional at the LandPaths’ office (or indoor setting).
- Staff and participants may carpool, masks optional, windows open is recommended (indoor setting).
- Staff transporting participants may ask them to mask.
- Youth programs will defer to school policies around masking.
- LandPaths’ office has installed and will run air purifiers in the office during office hours.
- Avoid programming that clusters people together.
- Food can be served in the following Covid-safe ways:
- Prepackaged food
- Single serving items with peels (citrus, bananas)
- For All Shared Food – Staff and Participants must hand wash or sanitize prior to the use of serving utensils.
- No Bare Hand Contact with Ready-To-Eat Food. Suitable utensils, such as deli paper, spatulas, tongs, dispensing equipment, or gloves shall be used.
Updated Covid Policies: April 21, 2022
- All activities may be conducted outside with no participant limit
- Masks are optional for adults for all outdoor activities
- Masks strongly recommended for youth for all activities
- Masks optional at the LandPaths office for vaccinated and boosted staff
- Masks required at the LandPaths office for non-vaccinated and or non-boosted staff
- Staff, and staff and participants may carpool, masks required
- LandPaths’ office limit is raised to 10 staff at any given time
- Avoid programming that clusters people together
- Food can be served in the following Covid-safe ways:
- Prepackaged food
- Single serving items with peels (citrus, bananas)
- If participants want to share food amongst themselves, they may with a respectful (6’mimimum) distance from other participants
- Food which can be distributed by a designated server wearing gloves and a well-fitting mask (N95, KN95 or other medical grade or layered woven mask) without gathering (no shared food utensils, shared communal bowls (like for chips) or potluck
We created these polices from new OSHA requirements as well as research in best practices that includes input from the Center for Disease Control and State and Sonoma County Health, and LandPaths’ legal advisor. We also commit to periodic updating as we get new information, or the legal requirements under the pandemic change.
How LandPaths has adapted to the pandemic since March 2020
- Developed outings as interactive Zoom webinars.
- Piloted in-person Outings based on self-guided activities, limiting any contact or shared items and attendance consistent with County Health through reservations, and organized by households.
- Developed IOOBY and IF Zoom or other video platform programming.
- Created Covid-safety protocols to host in-person youth programming such as camps, adhering to all County Health Orders.
- Implemented tele-work work plans for all staff.
- Cultivate a culture of following County and State Covid Safety Guidelines at all times.
- Actively Cultivating a Healthy Digital Community among our staff as we work remotely from home and in the field.
We take the safety challenges of the ongoing pandemic very seriously. It is important to make choices that promote the health and safety of everyone in our community, from the youngest to oldest. We are monitoring the rate of virus cases in our County, and all health orders and policies.