Community Hubs, Protected Land


Community access to local open spaces lies at the heart of LandPaths’ mission. With that comes a responsibility to take care of the land, especially in light of the rising challenges of life in the 21st century due to climate change.

LandPaths’s dedicated volunteers and staff steward multiple preserves and community gardens across Sonoma County. We call them people-powered parks for a reason!

Love the Land

All of LandPaths’ preserves are permanently protected from further development. With the help of people like you, we care for the land in a low-carbon way that’s good for nature and the community. We also partner with city and county agencies to steward community gardens and open space preserves. 

Public Access

We invite you to join us at each preserve, aside from Ocean Song, which is currently closed to public access. These are community hubs where you can come together in common purpose, with people like you, in the spirit of belonging, welcoming, love of the land, and stewardship. 

By gathering people on our land, we hope to create deeper connections, and a community conservation ethic, now more important than ever as we grapple with the impact of climate change on future generations. 

Throughout the year, we offer hundreds of opportunities to get outside and grow community with nature in these awe-inspiring local landscapes.


Jeff Bodwin Community Garden at Andy's Unity Park

Community hub and garden at Andy’s Unity Park in southwest Santa Rosa.

Bohemia Ecological Preserve

1,000 acre protected preserve in the western hills of Occidental.

Bayer Farm

Community hub and farm in the heart of Roseland.

Grove of Old Trees

48-acre preserve in the hills west of Occidental

Ocean Song

421-acre preserve in western Sonoma County.

Rancho Mark West

Outdoor learning landscape with pristine creek, historic barn, demonstration forest,and more in the hills above Santa Rosa.

Riddell Preserve

400 acres of wild, diverse habitat above the west Dry Creek Valley in Healdsburg.

Fitch Mountain

173 acre open space preserve on Fitch Mountain, owned by the City of Healdsburg and stewarded by LandPaths. 

Healdsburg Ridge Open Space Preserve

150 acres of wetlands, oak woodlands, chaparral, and grasslands owned by City of Healdsburg and stewarded by LandPaths. 

Stories + News

In the News

Our impact is made possible by volunteers like you, with a passion for growing community with nature.

Reflections from Jim & Betty Doerksen, Land Partners at Rancho Mark West

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Jim and Betty Doerksen purchased Rancho Mark West in 1967. The Doerksens have worked tirelessly, planting upwards of “one million trees,” according to Jim. They also started […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Carol Carr, Wildlife Corridor Project

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After the Glass fire in 2020, Carol Carr was looking for ways to make a difference in her community by helping out with fire recovery efforts. Her […]

A group of teens and adults stand in front of a beautiful stand of redwood trees.

Introducing Stand for the Land!

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On a Wednesday afternoon in January, a group of teens and adults from Santa Rosa headed to the Grove of Old Trees for an afternoon of respite and connection. After chatting and […]

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