We often receive questions about access and permits at Willow Creek. LandPaths no longer manages Willow Creek. The park is managed by California State Parks. You might still see old signs out and about in the park which can be confusing. These signs are out-of-date as they still mention LandPaths as the steward. As far as we know, there are no plans to reinstate the permit program by the current stewards, California State Parks. If you have questions about Willow Creek access, please go to Sonoma Coast State Park’s website or call (707) 875-3483.
In 2009, LandPaths was critical to protecting the 3,000-acre Willow Creek addition in west Sonoma County. During this time, we piloted a model of free permit-based access, now replicated by Sonoma County Parks and a variety of open space agencies. LandPaths invested $700,000 in watershed restoration on the land and supported thousands of hours of people-powered stewardship. We managed public access and stewardship of the property until it was handed over to Sonoma Coast State Park a few years later. Now, Willow Creek is managed and stewarded by California State Parks. LandPaths no longer manages the property.