Reflections from Jim & Betty Doerksen, Land Partners at Rancho Mark West
Category: Blog, Land Partner, Rancho Mark West
By LandPaths Staff
February 14, 2025
Jim and Betty Doerksen purchased Rancho Mark West in 1967. The Doerksens have worked tirelessly, planting upwards of “one million trees,” according to Jim. They also started the Doerksen Christmas Tree Farm – once a favorite holiday tradition for many families throughout the Bay Area.
In 1998, Jim and Betty graciously opened up the land to LandPaths, and other environmental and school groups.
Jim and Betty Doerksen originally sold the development rights to the property to the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District in 1993. LandPaths, with generous assistance from the California Coastal Conservancy, purchased Rancho Mark West in 2011.

Under the purchase terms, Jim and Betty Doerksen, have a reserved life estate on the property. The 124-acre Rancho Mark West builds upon a legacy of protecting land from development in the sensitive environmental area while offering the public more opportunities to engage with nature a short distance away from Santa Rosa. LandPaths is grateful to the Doerksens for a fruitful land ownership partnership that fosters a love of the land and engages the public forever, especially local children, through outings and outdoor education.
LandPaths is happy to share the story below, written by the Doerksen’s, about their amazing investment in land recovery efforts at Rancho Mark West after the Glass fire tore through the preserve a few years back.