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Dar y admirar: Vamos a Yosemite 2024 

El grupo de Vamos a Yosemite con LandPaths llegó al emblemático parque nacional un viernes por la tarde, justo después de una breve tormenta de verano, en […]

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Giving Back and Standing in Awe: Vamos a Yosemite 2024

The Vamos a Yosemite con LandPaths group arrived at the iconic national park on a Friday afternoon, just after a brief summer rainstorm, in passenger vans rented […]

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How LandPaths Gets Ready for Summer Nature Camp Season

The morning sun peeks through the coastal clouds, birds caw and sing from their perches in the surrounding oaks, and 40 LandPaths’ staff and volunteers gather in the meadow at Bohemia Ecological Preserve for a daylong training […]

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Community Partnership: Worker Leaders with North Bay Jobs with Justice Create Fuel Breaks at a LandPaths’ Preserve

Community partnerships lie at the heart of LandPaths’ mission to foster a love of the land in Sonoma County. In March, we collaborated with worker leaders with […]

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Remembering Lorri Duckworth

Lorri Duckworth was one of those small family farmers who genuinely loved her produce. Even more so, she loved how people from all over the Bay Area, […]

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Discover the World of Native California Grasslands!

Story by Lara O’Herlihy, Stewardship Field Specialist I’m sitting on a grassy hillside in the Coleman Valley Creek drainage that overlooks the ocean, pulling the invasive bracypodium […]

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Students Make More Nature and Science Connections through New Environmental Education Pathways Project in Sonoma County

Students Make New Connections WithEnvironmental Education Pathways  On a brisk and sunny day at Glen Oaks Ranch, 3rd graders from Flowery Elementary School chat merrily as they hike […]

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Reflections: Slow Restoration Community Forestry Project for Women and Nonbinary Participants

By Lara O’Herlihy, Stewardship Field Specialist This past October, fourteen strangers met for the first time at Riddell Preserve, LandPaths’ 400-acre protected open space preserve in the […]

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What’s It Like to Participate in a Prescribed Burn?  

by Miles Sarvis-Wilburn, Stewardship Field Specialist at LandPaths I arrived at LandPaths’ Ocean Song/Myers Preserve at 7:30am, the sun rising over a thick ocean of fog, and […]

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Six nature campers walk on a trail through the grasslands at Bohemia Ecological Preserve. There is a forest in the background and a blue sky above.

Reflections on Interconnection in a California Coastal Prairie

by Miles Sarvis-Wilburn Stewardship Field Specialist The grasslands at Bohemia Ecological Preserve are California coastal prairie, a protected and unique habitat that contains an incredible amount of species […]

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A person in a green t-shirt pulls French broom, a woody, long plant, from the ground.

Fostering a Love of the Land as a LandPaths’ Intern: An Interview with Andrew Magdaleno

An internship is an excellent way to gain experience in the field of community conservation in Sonoma County. In the second installment of a new interview series […]

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Fostering a Love of the Land as a LandPaths’ Intern – An Interview with Calvin Howell

Photo by Emmaline Jones – Willowflower Photography An internship is an excellent way to get involved with LandPaths in diverse ways. In this first installation of a […]

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