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Staring up into multiple Redwood trees

Nature is a tonic. That’s not without challenges.

Nature – in pullout vistas on the roadside, grand state and regional parks and smaller nature preserves, beaches and trails, even small neighborhood stands of oak – has been nothing […]

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child having fun at owl camp

2021 Summer Camps and Teen Treks Registration Update

Thank you for you interest in LandPaths’ summer nature camps and teen treks!  We appreciate your patience with this year’s slower registration roll-out. Our team is watching […]

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two teens hike on a trail with mountains in the background.

Teens Escape Screens on an Eco Adventure with LandPaths

The first weeks of 2021 have been challenging on a national scale. We wanted to offer you a chance to take a cleansing breath and learn about […]

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Forest path surrounded by large redwood tress at Grove of Old Trees

20 Years with the Grove of Old Trees

It’s hard to believe, but in 1990s, these grand redwoods, tucked off an inconspicous lane in west Sonoma County, were slated to be cut down as part of a […]

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rancho mark west foggy barn scene

How the Celtic Day of the Dead Became Hallowe’en

by Michael Ellis, LandPaths’ Board of Directors and Footloose Forays Hallowe’en is my favorite American holiday. This celebration evolved from the ancient Celtic Day of the Dead. […]

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The view from Riddell Preserve during the Walbridge Fire. A tree in shadows sits close to camera and the dawn sunrise shines pink and purple with hills in the distance.

Fire, Grief, and Recovery at Riddell

As the Walbridge fire bore down on Riddell, LandPaths’ 400-acre preserve west of Healdsburg, firefighters carefully swept the deck of the dry leaf litter around Steve’s cabin. The simple […]

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The Power of LandPaths’ Community Gardens in Pandemic Times

When LandPaths broke ground at Bayer Farm in 2007 and kids from the neighborhood began planting seeds on a neglected plot of land in Roseland, we knew […]

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Strawberries, Chickens, Pickles, and Creeks: Otherwise Known as Just Another Magical Day at Owl Camp North!

Two Fridays ago marked the end of another exuberantly successful two weeks of Owl Camp North at Preston Farm. For the second year, LandPaths partnered with Lou […]

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Cosechando Con La Comunidad/Harvesting for the Community

[In English below] Los jardineros de nuestra comunidad en Bayer Farm están en el centro de nuestra misión de fomentar el amor por la tierra en el […]

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¿Cómo se ve la cuidado popular de La Tierra durante una pandemia?

En LandPaths, el cuidado terrestre impulsado la energía popular se encuentra en el centro de nuestra misión. Nuestros voluntarios regresan una y otra vez para cuidar la […]

What Does People-Powered Land Stewardship Look Like In a Pandemic?

At LandPaths, people-powered stewardship of the land lies at the core of our mission.  Our volunteers return time and again to tend the land at our preserves and community gardens across Sonoma […]

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children study a brown and red frog during a Zoom session

IOOBY Goes Digital: How our Youth Team Brought the Joy, Wonder, and Awe of Nature to the Screen 

When schools across Sonoma County closed down for in-person learning in March due to the coronavirus, teachers, students, and parents were suddenly faced with a series of […]

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