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Ocean Song view

An Update on LandPaths Preserves and Partner Properties

LandPaths exists – if for nothing else – then to harness community power to protect healthy land on which to experience and be inspired by nature, where […]

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A mother reading to her daughter in LandPaths' iRead Outside program

Children Still Need Community: How iREAD Outside shifted online during the pandemic

Guadalupe Casco, Senior Bilingual Field Specialist, runs iREAD Outside, one of LandPaths’ hallmark programs for children. Recently, she’s taken on the challenge of shifting a completely outdoors-based […]

gopher snake in the grass at ocean song preserve

Neighborhood Nature: Meet a Gopher Snake

This photo, taken by LandPaths Education Field Specialist Mineaux Gray, is of a Pacific Gopher Snake (Pituophis catenifer catenifer) at Ocean Song Preserve. The four-foot long reptile […]

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A banana slug lies on the ground in front of a leaf

Neighborhood Nature: Meet a Banana Slug!

by Jessica Holloway, Senior Education Field Specialist With all this time at home, we’ve been noticing all kinds of cool creatures cruising around outside, like these Banana Slugs!   Use […]

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book covers of LandPaths favorite books

Staff Share Their Favorite Books about Nature + Culture on #WorldBookDay

In celebration of World Book Day 2020 and the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we thought it would be fun to share a list of LandPaths’ staffers […]

La naturaleza a tu alrededor: encuentra tu espacio especial

Escrito por Jamie Nakama, Manager de Programas Juveniles  Traducido por Guadalupe Casco, Especialista de Campo Bilingüe  Esta actividad es parte de lo que hacemos con nuestros alumnos […]

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Una actualización sobre la hoja de preguntas frecuentes sobre programación de verano y campamentos

Queridas familias, Las últimas semanas de aplanar la curva de casos de Covid-19 no han sido fáciles, ya que muchos de nosotros con las responsabilidades de trabajo […]

An Update About Summer Programming and Camps FAQ sheet

Dear Families, The last few weeks of flattening the curve haven’t been easy as many of us juggle work and parenting responsibilities, or the financial challenge of […]

Neighborhood Nature: Find Your Sit Spot

By Jamie Nakama, Youth Programs Manager This is an activity that we do with elementary-aged students as part of our environmental education program IOOBY. A “sit spot” […]

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LandPaths receives a nearly $2.5 million grant from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to purchase Myers property adjacent to Ocean Song Preserve in West Sonoma County.

The grant will enable the historic reunification and protection of nearly 800 acres of coastal ranchlands in West Sonoma County and create a walking/hiking connection from the […]

Aventuras en cuervos, canto de pájaros y compostaje

Durante las próximas semanas, mientras todxs nos refugiamos en lugar el condado de Sonoma, compartimos historias alentadoras del personal de LandPaths sobre cómo están descubriendo la naturaleza oculta y no tan […]

A Message from Executive Director Craig Anderson

Dear Friends, We miss you.  We miss the hum of activity at a stewardship workday; We miss the morning awkwardness followed by warm, familial feelings in the […]

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