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Adventures in Crows, Bird Calls, and Composting

Over the next few weeks, as we all shelter-in-place in Sonoma County, we are sharing uplifting stories from LandPaths’ staff about how they are discovering the hidden […]

LandPaths staff with IOOBY students at the farm

Future Stewards of the Earth: McDowell Elementary School Students Get Outside with IOOBY

The climate crisis means that a sense of our interconnection with a healthy natural world has never been more crucial. Ideally, this connection and stewardship starts in […]

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two volunteers at Ocean Song stand with shovels before cob benches

Stewardship, Joy, and Gratitude at LandPaths’ First Volunteer Stewardship Workday at Ocean Song Preserve

Set to a soundtrack of soothing ocean waves rising from the Sonoma Coast below, LandPaths’ hosted our first stewardship workday of 2020 in January at Ocean Song […]

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stewardship workshop at riddell

Stewarding Forests through a Fire Ecology Lens

Increasingly severe fires, flooding, and drought have left us without a doubt: We are in a climate emergency. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we […]

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Trick-or-treaters dress as characters from the PJ Masks TV show pose for a picture at the LandPaths hosted pop-up Halloween adventure day with pumpkin carving, a costume parade and pumpkin tacos at Bayer Farm in Roseland on Thursday. (photo by John Burgess/The Press Democrat)

Bayer Farm Pop-Up Halloween Adventure Day and Camp

As we reeled from the mass upheaval of the Kincade fire in late October, LandPaths jumped into action. Your whole-hearted generosity, as a donor and friend, made […]

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Ocean Song view

LandPaths Protects Ocean Song

The iconic 421-acre property has a legacy of rural, wild, and agricultural heritage, and environmental education.   LandPaths announced the acquisition of Ocean Song, a 421-acre property, of […]

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Staring into the sun, looking at Sonoma County hills and valleys

A Message to the Community: Kincade Fire

Dear Fantastic Community, We’ve been here before: the sleeplessness of a night with ferocious wind, smoke blowing, the once-familiar backyard transformed into a dark, hazardous wind tunnel; […]


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