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La naturaleza a tu alrededor: encuentra tu espacio especial
April 21, 2020
Escrito por Jamie Nakama, Manager de Programas Juveniles Traducido por Guadalupe Casco, Especialista de Campo Bilingüe Esta actividad es parte de lo que hacemos con nuestros alumnos […]
Tags: iooby, Rooting Youth in Nature, sit spot, vamos afuera

Neighborhood Nature: Find Your Sit Spot
April 9, 2020
By Jamie Nakama, Youth Programs Manager This is an activity that we do with elementary-aged students as part of our environmental education program IOOBY. A “sit spot” […]
Tags: hidden nature, iooby, Rooting Youth in Nature, sit spot

LandPaths receives a nearly $2.5 million grant from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to purchase Myers property adjacent to Ocean Song Preserve in West Sonoma County.
April 9, 2020
The grant will enable the historic reunification and protection of nearly 800 acres of coastal ranchlands in West Sonoma County and create a walking/hiking connection from the […]

Future Stewards of the Earth: McDowell Elementary School Students Get Outside with IOOBY
March 3, 2020
The climate crisis means that a sense of our interconnection with a healthy natural world has never been more crucial. Ideally, this connection and stewardship starts in […]
Tags: Climate Change, environmental education, iooby, mcdowell elementary school, open field farm, petaluma, Rooting Youth in Nature, stewardship, Youth Programs

Stewardship, Joy, and Gratitude at LandPaths’ First Volunteer Stewardship Workday at Ocean Song Preserve
February 20, 2020
Set to a soundtrack of soothing ocean waves rising from the Sonoma Coast below, LandPaths’ hosted our first stewardship workday of 2020 in January at Ocean Song […]
Tags: Ocean Song, stewardship, Volunteer

Stewarding Forests through a Fire Ecology Lens
November 20, 2019
Increasingly severe fires, flooding, and drought have left us without a doubt: We are in a climate emergency. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we […]
Tags: fire ecology, grove of old trees, resilience, riddell preserve, stewardship, workshops

Bayer Farm Pop-Up Halloween Adventure Day and Camp
November 2, 2019
As we reeled from the mass upheaval of the Kincade fire in late October, LandPaths jumped into action. Your whole-hearted generosity, as a donor and friend, made […]
Tags: Bayer Farm, Community Garden, Nature Camp, Rooting Youth in Nature, Youth Programs
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